More Vitamin D In Childhood Cut Risk Of Adult Diabetes?

Researchers claim that vitamin D supplements in early childhood could prevent the development of Type 1 diabetes in later life.

The research showed that children given additional vitamin D were around 30 per cent less likely to develop Type 1 diabetes compared with those not given the supplement.

It suggested that the higher and more regular the dose, the lower the likelihood of developing the disease.

Potential to prevent Type 1 diabetes

Dr Victoria King, Research Manager of leading health charity, Diabetes UK, said: "This study suggests that taking vitamin D in childhood has the potential to prevent the development of Type 1 diabetes.

"However, much more research, in particular controlled trials which compares the results when one group of people are given vitamin D supplements and one group is not, are needed before we can confirm a concrete association between vitamin D and Type 1 diabetes."

The results come from the analysis of five separate studies published previously.

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